If you’re tired of feeling stuck and that progress is slow, or that you’re working too hard and feeling that things may fall through the cracks if you are not on top of them; we understand, and we can help.

  • Max was essential in helping us discover our real purpose for being in our business. This insight enabled us to refocus our efforts with clear direction so that we could grow once again."

    Lawrence Stoval
    Lawrence Stoval Owner AutoBrite
  • Throughout my professional career I as always taught that “If you need a consultant you don’t know how to do your job.” So deciding to engage Max was a very difficult decision for me to make. However, we knew that we were not getting the growth we expected from our team, and we needed some help. After nine months of focused effort our culture is better than its ever been since purchasing the business 4 years ago, and our team is poised for achievements that would have not been possible without Max’s help. If you are thinking you might need a coach, don’t think any longer. Get Max on board!

    Garrett Wacaser
    Garrett Wacaser President at Safety Supply Inc.
  • I initially didn’t understand or comprehend the need for a business coach. But as the old adage goes, "you don’t know what you don’t know”, Max Kozlovsky & Quest Advising has given me a different point of view. With his help, I have been able to recognize where I could improve myself. I have extensively changed my leadership approach. I now see myself more objectively. In the past, a distorted self-image prevented me from identifying areas that warranted improvement—a major stumbling block in my leadership growth and development. I was focused solely on execution and running the business. What I had failed to realize is how the people working for me really needed leadership from me in order for them to be at their best. Max helped me to approach influencing people in a different way and gave me a tool set I will never be without. As I see the change in the team dynamics and I watch my leaders model my behavior, it just further pushes me to continue the process and ultimately will lead to my company to success.

    Jaime Sepulveda
    Jaime Sepulveda Owner Strategic Property Management
  • Our small business has doubled in revenue and improved profitability since we started working with Max nearly two years ago. Even more important, we’ve done the critical business “soul-searching” needed to grow in ways that are truly satisfying, and not just “more of the same”. We wouldn’t be where we are today without him!” “Max is like the business “zen master” that every business owner should have on his team. Max looks beyond ordinary benchmarks and numbers to the vision, values and “soul” of our company. Without his guidance we would have grown simply by doing “more of the same”, and felt stressed and stagnant in the process, assuming that we were doing “well enough” but enjoying it less and less. Max has helped us clarify what we really want and need from our business, think in new directions, and grow exponentially in a healthy, sustainable way that is truly exciting to see. We’re looking forward to great things in the years to come!

    Peter & Lisa Moon
    Peter & Lisa Moon Owners Paper Moon Painting
  • Max is the reason I am in business and profitable today. With his consulting, I was able to attract new business and improve the quality of my customer service. I train all my new employees with the information that Max has taught me. Max helped me re-brand my business and everyone loves the new name. Max’s business consulting changed the way I did business and made me profitable.

    Timothy Knifton
    Timothy Knifton Invisible.technology, CEO
  • When seeking out help for my growing businesses, I talked with several people around the city. I was searching for someone outside my sphere. Someone who could help me see beyond what was in front of me. Being a John Maxwell Certified coach… I was picky. I didn’t want just anyone. I met Max multiple times and enjoyed our conversation. I was searching for the right fit and I found it. Max has a proven system to get your company moving in the right direction from day one. The upfront meeting helped get Luxury Home Magazine on solid ground as an organization. With Max’s weekly approach, we were able to attack priorities with purpose. I am grateful for his guidance and knowledge. Within a year we are averaging more pages as a publication, seeing our highest revenue as a company, and growing closer as a team in the process. If you looking to take your business to the next level, you need to call Max.

    Tomas Martinez III
    Tomas Martinez III Owner & Publisher Luxury Home Magazine
  • There are only a few momentous days that are life altering.  One of mine was the day I met Max Kozlovsky. I had owned and operated my business for 40 years and felt I had been successful but wanted more as I was continually trying to improve and grow my business.   At the time, I did not realize this day would boost me to a higher business level that I ever imagined.  His Coaching and teaching inspired my Team and me to achieve unbelievable business and personal goals that I never dreamed possible.  His knowledge of business, marketing, communication, teaching, organization, systems and many other business necessities, that he Coached and taught, have allowed me to phase out of the day to day business and become CEO/CFO. I reduced my time, in the business, from 60+ hours per week to 15 hours per week working, on the business, to oversee a highly trained and skilled Management Team that performs at an extremely high level of expertise. I truly believe there is no one that cannot improve their business, lead with more confidence and achieve goals beyond the wildest dreams by allowing Max to Coach and give direction to the best path for them to follow to reach their desired level of personal and business success.

    Dr. Bryan Stuckey
    Dr. Bryan Stuckey Owner
  • As an advisor in a different field myself, I am very careful to only refer my clients to professionals who have a proven track record and can deliver on their promise and help reinforce my client relationships. Max not only passed my critical up-front assessment, but his methods intrigued me and I decided to hire him to help me organize and scale my own business. His work process was elaborate, but it never felt overwhelming. He clearly knew where he was leading me, and if I ever got lost or needed help, Max patiently adjusted his approach to help me achieve the desired outcome. He ended up understanding my strengths and weaknesses better than I did myself, and his recommendations to enhance my business were spot on. Looking back at the plans and vision we came up with a few years ago by now, almost everything materialized exactly the way Max helped envision. I can highly recommend Max to any entrepreneur looking to strategically enhance or grow their own businesses.

    Stefan Lagmark
    Stefan Lagmark Alamo Brokers of texas
  • I have been working with Max Kovlosky for over a year.  Max has been many things to our business…all positive.  He is extremely knowledgably about business and helping our company to grow and be more profitable. His input is invaluable when it comes to decisions that can impact our business in positive and negative situations. His experience goes a long way in developing our workforce and allowing them to grow and prosper. We have initiated an apprenticeship program due to the tight employee market to accelerate the learning process. We have developed strategic goals that will allow us to take our business to the next level. He is extremely personable and relates to the day to day challenges we encounter, and also holds us accountable to make sure we follow through with the plan. I would encourage anyone that is interested in developing and growing their business to strongly consider hiring Max.  It will be the best decision you have made in improving your business.

    John Cox
    John Cox Cox Tile
  • Max is excellent and taking an objective look from the outside in.  He dissects the pieces and works together with you on how to solve the issues as well as grow what you may not have even thought of.  Sometimes he is a psychologist as well as we open ourselves up when doing evaluations of our business and practices.  He keeps us on track and with a level head.  He is great at suggestions.  You also learn more than you know and then later when your brain can handle new things….it pops in …and that is what Max said or taught me.

    Missy Stagers
    Missy Stagers M Stagers Realty and Partners

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